Gynecological Symptoms

Two of the most common gynecologic symptoms that women experience are pain and excessive or irregular menstrual bleeding. Before a medical appointment, it is helpful to track and document your symptoms - the location, frequency, intensity, etc. The more specific you can be in describing your symptoms, the more helpful this will be for your doctor in diagnosing your condition. Bring this information to your appointment. It will help your doctor diagnose your gynecologic condition and offer you the most appropriate treatment option for your condition.

Womain in Pain


Pain can be described in many ways. Intensity of pain is commonly measured with a simple 0-10 point scale where 0 equals no pain and 10 is the worst pain imaginable.

Describing your pain can help your doctor pinpoint the condition. Each of the following descriptions of pain may indicate a different gynecologic condition:

  • Painful Urination and/or Bowel Movement
  • Pelvic Discomfort
  • Pelvic Pressure
  • Abdominal Tenderness
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Back Pain
  • Pain during intercourse
Uterus bleeding


Monthly menstrual bleeding (your period) is different for each woman. It is important to describe what is normal for you, how often you have your period, how long it usually lasts, and how heavy it usually is.

Remember that bleeding patterns can be different before and after childbirth, with age, and with any medications you regularly take. Abnormal bleeding must be compared to what is normal for you. The following are examples of bleeding patterns that may be patterns of specific gynecologic conditions:

  • Excessively Heavy Bleeding
  • Spotting/bleeding after menopause
  • Painful bleeding
  • Bleeding Longer than 8 Days
  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • Vaginal discharge tinged with blood
  • Passing blood clots
  • Periods less than 24 days and more than 38 days apart
Other sysmptoms

Other Symptoms

There are other symptoms that can stand alone or accompany pain and bleeding. These also need to be described, for your doctor to accurately diagnose your condition:

  • Difficulty with urination
    or bowel movement
  • Feeling of pressure on your bladder or rectum
  • Slipping or dropping of
    your vagina or uterus
  • Feeling heaviness or pressure in your pelvis
  • Urinary urgency (feeling the need to go)
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Pain while standing or walking
  • Improper bowel/bladder function
  • Constant abdominal pressure
  • Swelling or bloating
  • Infertility

If something doesn't seem right, see your doctor. The symptoms listed above can occur alone or in combination with each other. These symptoms may potentially indicate the presence of endometriosis / adenomyosis, uterine myoma, uterine prolapse, or possibly, cancer. You can learn more about each of those conditions on this site. However, this information is not a substitute for your doctor's advice. Communicating your symptoms in detail with your doctor will help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis and provide you with the most appropriate treatment option for your condition.