What We're About

Making advanced medical technology in the field of gynecology available to women of all ages is the main goal of Robotic Gynecology Philippines. By bringing in one of the most advanced surgical procedures, known as the da Vinci® Surgical System, we make superior and state of the art technology available to the Filipino woman.

Approved in 2005, this robot-assisted surgical method provides patients with a minimally invasive option that brings about benefits such as shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, and better pain control as compared to conventional open surgery procedures. This robotic platform is also designed to expand surgeon's capabilities, allowing them to perfom complex surgical procedures with greater precision and accuracy. The da Vinci® Surgical System has been successfully used on more than 3 million patients worldwide. Subsequently changing the experience of surgery for people around the globe and becoming today's new standard of treatment in gynecology.

The Benefits

Both the surgeon and the patient experience improved benefits from robotic surgery as compared to traditional laparoscopic or open procedures.

Surgeon Icon

For the Surgeon

  • Magnified 3D visualization for optimum viewing within the operative site
  • Increased precision, control and range of motion of instruments
  • Robot eliminates tremors of the human hand
  • Improved access to and manipulation of organs, tissues, blood vessels and nerves
Patient Icon

For the Patient

  • Shorter hospitalization
  • Reduced pain
  • Faster recovery time
  • Smaller incisions resulting in minimal scarring, less blood loss, and risk of infection.
  • Patients resume normal activities sooner

Make an Appointment

Gynecological conditions require physical examinations and tests before an accurate diagnosis can be made.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in this website, feel free to reach us by filling up the form below.

What our patients say